Tuesday 24 December 2013

Accidentally Twin

“Or might the soul clone itself, create a perfect imitation of something yet to be defined?" - Ellen Hopkins in Identical, 2008.

Gue dulu pernah dengar kalau setiap manusia di muka bumi ini masing-masing punya 7 kembaran, tersebar di seluruh penjuru dunia. Biasanya, bukan kita sendiri yang akan menemukan kembaran kita itu, melainkan orang lain. Coba ingat aja, sudah seberapa sering lo dengar orang bilang, "Gue ketemu orang yang mirip banget sama lo." atau "Lo itu persis banget kayak si anu / kayak teman gue / saudara gue / tetangga gue."

Sudah tujuh kali kah?

Thursday 12 December 2013

Semoga Kamu Tahu

"Wanita-wanita yang tidak baik untuk laki-laki yang tidak baik, dan laki-laki yang tidak baik adalah untuk wanita yang tidak baik pula. Wanita yang .baik untuk lelaki yang baik dan lelaki yang baik untuk wanita yang baik. (Qs. An Nur:26)"

Seperti biasa cinta memang tidak pernah permisi ketika akan datang menyapa. Datang sesuka hatinya. Tidak peduli kepada siapa, di mana, dan kapan waktunya.

Kali ini sepertinya cinta kembali hadir menyapaku. Masih dalam ambang keraguan, tapi aku sepenuhnya sadar bahwa aku kini sedang mengikuti tarikan tangannya, yang membawaku ke depan pintu hatimu, dan dia kemudian memantrai tanganku untuk mengetuknya. 

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Bukannya Kebelet Nikah, Hanya Saja ........

Ketika sudah memasuki usia dengan kepala angka dua, pembicaraan yang terjadi tidak akan pernah berada jauh dengan masalah percintaan dan pendamping hidup.

Jika dalam tingkatan dewasa, pembicaraan hanya berkisar seputar cowok cakep - PDKT - pacaran yang diharapkan akan sangat romantis, - dan bila harus berpisah maka akan mencari lagi yang lain yang lebih baik lagi, ketika sudah beranjak lebih dewasa maka topik pembicaraan akan lebih berkembang menjadi tentang menemukan jodoh - seseorang yang akan dipilih untuk menghabiskan sisa hidup - pernikahan - dan bahagianya mengarungi kehidupan berkeluarga hingga maut memisahkan.

Monday 9 December 2013

Maaf, Hujan, karena Pernah Membencimu

"Aneh memang: selalu ada yang membuat terlena dan tak berdaya pada hujan, pada rintik dan aromanya, pada bunyi dan melankolinya, pada caranya yang pelan sekaligus brutal dalam memtik kenangan yang tak diinginkan." Amba Laksmi Pamuntjak - Sebuah Novel

Tuhan menurunkan hujan untuk berbicara dengan makhluk di bumi. Setiap tetesan air yang diturunkannya membawa berbagai macam pesan dari langit, kebahagiaan, duka, dan peringatan.

Hujan menjadi kebahagiaan bagi para petani yang tanah sawahnya telah retak mengering. Bagi pelaut, hujan terkadang menjadi penghalang untuk mencari nafkah bagi keluarga. Bagi orang seperti gue? Hujan menjadi pena yang menuliskan berbagai macam cerita di dalam buku kehidupan.

Monday 18 November 2013

Thanks, Mantans!

Ternyata, jadi jomblo itu nggak se-mengerikan yang gue bayangin.

Tiga bulan paska gue diputuskan paksa oleh pacar, eh, mantan gue, teman-teman gue sudah nggak terlalu kepo lagi untuk bertanya
"Lo sama dia kenapa sih?"
"Lo kok twit-nya galau mulu sih? Kenapa?"
"Lo putus, Ban?"

Dan mereka sudah nggak terlalu hot lagi untuk BBM gue, atau whatsapp gue untuk sekedar bilang
"Sabar ya, Ban."
Atau komentar
"Kok bisa? Padahal kalian cocok banget keliatannya."
"Sayang ya, padahal kayaknya kalian bahagia banget."

Ya. Akhirnya waktu sudah memakan semuanya. Waktu sudah menyamarkan ceritanya. Tapi, waktu masih belum bisa menghapus emosi yang ada.

Sunday 17 November 2013

World of Bubunche

World of Bubunche,
A little world inside the big ones, where I can do everything I want.

Dunia ini terlalu besar untuk gue. Dunia ini terlalu banyak peraturan-peraturan yang nggak gue suka. Dunia ini terlalu banyak memiliki hal-hal yang (mau-nggak-mau) perlu kepura-puraan. Hal-hal yang membuat kita terkadang menjadi bukan diri sendiri.

Gue perlu dunia untuk gue sendiri. 
Dunia yang gue buat sendiri, buat gue sendiri.

Nama: Manusia. Hobi: PHP-in Tuhan.

Akhir-akhir ini Tuhan cuma jadi tempat pelarian kesedihan. Ya masalah hati.. Ya masalah hidup.. Ya masalah rezeki. Kasihan - @badholic, 2013.

Pernah dengar orang bilang kalau penghuni surga itu kebanyakan orang susah? Tau kenapa? Ya karena manusia kalau cuma lagi susah doang ingat sama Tuhan. Iya gak? Nggak usah pura-pura nggak baca pertanyaan gue deh.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Tuhan, aku tidak mau gagal lagi.

Cinta memang tidak pernah datang sendiri. Layaknya manusia yang diiringi oleh Malaikat Raqib dan Atid, cinta selalu diikuti dengan dua bayangan: kebahagiaan dan kepedihan. Bukan cinta namanya jika dia tidak membawa perasaan terbang jauh ke langit ketika dia datang menyapa. Bukan pula cinta namanya kalau dia tidak meninggalkan luka menganga dengan rasa pedih yang begitu mendalam ketika dia harus melangkah pergi.

Friday 21 June 2013

Rambut, Lo Gak Akan Jadi Alasan Bokap Gue diserang Negara Api!

"Buktikan cinta kamu ke para lelaki yang berarti di hidupmu (daddy, husband, or brothers) dengan menyelamatkan mereka dari neraka"

Apa yang kalian lakukan untuk menahan mata supaya nggak kembali merem saat baru bangun tidur? Setiap orang pastinya punya ritual sendiri-sendiri saat baru bangun tidur. Ada yang langsung lompat dari kasur terus pergi mandi supaya matanya melek kena air, ada juga yang ambil remot tv terus cari siaran gosip supaya mata anteng nggak nutup lagi, ada juga yang langsung ngeloyor cari makanan untuk mengganjal mata sekalian perut.

Unlock handphone, twitter, check K's timeline, then check general timeline. 

Monday 10 June 2013

“He” Is Beautiful - Edited

The last two weeks my Creative Writing lecturer, Mas Dalih, did not come to the class because he was in Bali for his business. However, his friend, Mbak Abmi, kindheartedly substituted him for the class. Last Monday she did not come alone. She brought a guest, she told us in the beginning of the class. The guest came in as she called her in, a beautiful one; long dark brown hair, pierced pointed nose, make up on, and her body was like a Spain guitar. At the first glance, the guest looked female. But I did not think so at the second. I was not the only one who felt she was strange, somehow. The class started being full with murmurs as she took her seat in the corner of the class.  

Mbak Abmi asked us to interview the guest. She made some topics to be questioned and divided us into some groups. Before we started the interview, Mbak Abmi introduced her guest a little. In the middle of her guest introductory, she called the guest with “he”. The second hand stopped for a few minutes. My brain worked a little hard. Okay, everything was clear. The guest was a waria, a man but a half woman. Case closed.  

Sunday 12 May 2013

BAG IT: Plastic Is Taking Over The World!

Have you ever realized how many plastics you have in your house? Have you ever realized how many plastic you use in each day? I've never realized that plastic almost lives my life, until I watched this documentary movie about plastic: BAG IT.

A documentary movie by a bearded man, who nearly became a father in the movie, Jeb Berrier, opened my eyes to see about something that has never crossed my mind would be able to control and drive the world into the end. Movies I usually watch give such kind a doctrine that one day, robots, which are created by humans, would be the big humans' enemy in the battle of controlling the world.

The movie plot usually something like this:
Humans create robots, they live together with human, being so useful and helpful in humans' life, but suddenly they turn into wild and evil, try to take over the world and squeeze it in their palm.
However, after I watched "BAG IT", I realized that it is not robot who will crumple the world, but PLASTIC will.

Tuesday 9 April 2013


He was on his knees, brought roses, held my hand and asked me to be his. 

Ketika Tuhan menutup satu jalan bagi dua orang untuk bisa bersama, maka kemudian Dia akan membuka jalan lainnya, untuk manusia lainnya. Seorang kerabat pernah berkata,
"Ketika kamu begitu mencintai seseorang namun hubungan kalian menemukan jalan buntu, maka lepaskanlah. Tuhan akan memberi yang lebih baik."

If you know, I didn't not believe such that thing.
There is no such a possible thing like that.
However, it was.

Friday 22 March 2013

2010 Merapi Explosion: News Scared the People

            “They said it would be the last life of Yogyakarta. Merapi would come to its greatness anger and turned Yogyakarta into the city of ash,” it was the thing that Endah remembers the most when she heard about Merapi explosion in last 2010. As we know, Merapi volcano that stands in Yogyakarta is an everlasting volcano. It will not ever died even it has had “heavy cough” for about 60 times.
            Even Endah comes from Bengkulu, that she explained usually has strong earth quakes, the Merapi explosion took his own part inside her mind. Having earth quakes in strength about 5 SR or even more will not frightened her anymore, but experiencing rain of materials from Merapi, seeing white ashes covers the road, and hearing thunder sound in the night, are things she had never imagined before.
            It was her first experience. She prepared nothing to face it. “I was so scared at that time,” she confessed. “I couldn’t go home, even I really wanted to go home when I saw news about it on television.”
            News on television, newspaper, were so exaggerate she said. They showed the worst time in Merapi repeatedly. Even the condition had been better, they kept reported it. Not only that, some people tried to guess and spread bad rumors about Merapi.
            “I remembered so well when a news program in a television even dared to say that Merapi would have a big last eruption and sank Yogyakarta in ash. They put mystical elements to their news, feeding us with scary news. You know what kind of scared they made to a person who had first experience of it like me, don't you?” She said.

Friday 15 March 2013

Strengthen Whisper

I tried my best to hold on the flood of tears which forced its way out from my eyes. After all the things that I had never imagined before struck me exactly on my face, I had no idea what I should do, where I should go, and even whether I should continue my life. I saw his back disappearing from my sight, I felt the Angel of Death pulled my soul trough my head.
I needed an advice. But from whom?
I saw his car slowly going away from the parking lot. My heart forced me to stand up and run after him to stop the car, but my brain told me not. We had been over.
I needed someone to talk to. But whom?
His hand was stretched out from the car window to give some money to the parking guy. The hand that used to hold mine in the cold night, the hand that used to feel so fit on mine, the hand that I used to believe, that would have been the one to put a ring on my ring finger.
I couldn’t hold on the tears anymore. My hand lost her partner, my heart lost the love, my body lost the soul, and I felt so empty.
I needed somewhere to bury my grief.
But where? I needed a place. I asked the brain to give me one name, but it couldn’t do anything else besides playing all memories about him.
I needed a place. Anywhere.
I would come there, and even if I wanted to bury the grief, I should bury myself also.
I told the brain to stop the memory player. I forced the eyes to stop the tears. However, they ignored me. I closed the eyes, leaned the body, took a deep breath, and feeling the hot tears that fell down slowly on the cheek. Suddenly, the tears turned cold. The wind blew, trees swung. Suddenly I heard a sound from my brain. I put things into my bag, and took the car key.
I knew where I should go.

Sunday 10 March 2013

The Summary of Yogyakarta

What do you know about Jogja?
"Tugu, Gudeg, and MALIOBORO"

Yogyakarta, as a town where most tourists from anywhere come to, has special parts which becomes its icon. So much things that can be icons of Yogyakarta; first of all is absolutely Tugu, gudeg, and Malioboro.

Monday 4 March 2013

"Self Dumping"

"19 years lived together, never been separated, never thought I could be so tough."

When anybody asks my mother, or my father, what kind a children I am, their answers are gonna be absolutely similar : she is spoiled, childish, immature, dependent girl. That is why when I told them I would continue my study in Jogja, their expressions were like this:

Friday 22 February 2013

Five Senses for First Assignment

Creative Writing Class 4 days ago left a good impression for newbie blogger like me. From the first meeting, I know the whole next classes will be so enjoyable and full of lesson that can help to improve my skill in writing. However, the last class did not only leave a good impression, it also left an assignment to do at home.

The lecturer perhaps wants to test how high the skill of the students in writing. After he introduced himself in a few minutes, he asked us, the students, to take a piece of paper and asked us to write some paragraphs. He chose five senses of human as the topic, and he gave some subtopic for helping us in writing. Here, the subtopic he wanted us to write:
- Sight: describe your favorite place
- Hearing: the first sound that is heard in the morning
- Taste: the taste of favorite food
- Touch: the feel of shoes or sandals
- Smell: the scent that make us disgust

First Assignment in 6th Semester !

*open eyes*
*looking for phone*
*soc-med(s) checking*
*looking around*
*get up suddenly*
"Hey! I'm not at home!" *thinking* "Ow, alright. I've been at boarding house (again)!"

Holiday has passed, and my life comes back to the reality. No more waking up at 10 am, no more breakfast that had been served on the table after waking up, no more watching HBO in the afternoon. The reality is, the holiday has ended, and the college starts!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Ini yang Terakhir

Sering terlintas semua akan berakhir, tapi tak pernah terpikir harus dengan cara yang seperti ini.

Masalah datang silih berganti buat kita berdua itu sudah layaknya datang bulan, setiap bulan pasti ada. Protes yang tercipta dari masing-masing pihak, terutama dari aku, pun sudah seperti hujan, setiap minggu pasti turun di beberapa hari. Tapi, semua masalah kita, perkelahian kita, sepertinya sudah jadi hal yang biasa dalam hubungan kita. Tidak peduli seberapa besarnya masalah itu, seberapa seringnya perkelahian yang tercipta, kita selalu bisa bertahan dengan semua kondisi yang ada, dan menyelamatkan hubungan kita.

Tak ada satu masalah pun yang bisa merobohkan benteng kebersamaan kita, itu yang kita percaya. Tapi mungkin kita terlalu congkak hingga akhirnya Tuhan pun menegur kita.