Friday, 22 February 2013

Five Senses for First Assignment

Creative Writing Class 4 days ago left a good impression for newbie blogger like me. From the first meeting, I know the whole next classes will be so enjoyable and full of lesson that can help to improve my skill in writing. However, the last class did not only leave a good impression, it also left an assignment to do at home.

The lecturer perhaps wants to test how high the skill of the students in writing. After he introduced himself in a few minutes, he asked us, the students, to take a piece of paper and asked us to write some paragraphs. He chose five senses of human as the topic, and he gave some subtopic for helping us in writing. Here, the subtopic he wanted us to write:
- Sight: describe your favorite place
- Hearing: the first sound that is heard in the morning
- Taste: the taste of favorite food
- Touch: the feel of shoes or sandals
- Smell: the scent that make us disgust

After read the clue of what we should write in the subtopic sight, somehow my mind directed me to my bedroom in my boarding house. Even my bedroom is full with stuffs and makes me so hard to move, I love it so much. It makes me feel comfortable in doing anything. It has a rather big bed in the corner of the room, not too big actually but it is able for two people sleep on it. In front of my bed, stands a six racks bookshelf that is full with books, papers, and a little rubbish. Beside my tall bookshelf, I put a television that never been turned off in the night. I don't watch it actually, but I keep it turning on just to find a "friend". Across my bed, there is a two doors wood cupboard and a refrigerator. Please, don't ask me why I have a refrigerator in my 3x3m room.

The first sound that I heard on Monday morning was the alarm from my phone. It was a standard sound from my phone, usually I never been woken up by that sound, but I don't know on that Monday I was woken up. Perhaps it is affected by the first day of college.

Talking about favorite food, I love soups, hot, and spicy food. I love food which can create sweats fall down on my forehead and makes me hissing while eating.

Shoes which I usually use were made from leather. It feels soft and doesn't hurt feet if I wear it. For sandals, I like sandals which are made from rubber. It doesn't feel as soft as leather for sure, but it can protect me from slipping while walking.

I am a person who paranoid of cockroach. I am able to sense it there is a cockroach without seeing it first. Cockroach brings out a bad scent if it flies. The scent smells like a wet old wood but I think it is worse. 


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