Sunday, 10 March 2013

The Summary of Yogyakarta

What do you know about Jogja?
"Tugu, Gudeg, and MALIOBORO"

Yogyakarta, as a town where most tourists from anywhere come to, has special parts which becomes its icon. So much things that can be icons of Yogyakarta; first of all is absolutely Tugu, gudeg, and Malioboro.

I think, everybody who has visited Jogja, or perhaps who is in plan to visit Jogja, has known about Malioboro. Malioboro always belongs into list of place-that-should-be-visited when in Jogja. It contains everything that tourists look for when in Jogja; there are a lot of sellers who sell souvenirs from Jogja (clothes, batik, bracelet, unique key chains, shoes, and many more), there are traditional food sellers, tattoo maker, painter, there is a mall, and even there are so many entertainer along the Malioboro. Malioboro is not only a place for having fun, but tourists also can learn so much things of Yogyakarta in there. They can learn about its history in Benteng Vredeburg, they also can visit the Keraton. Malioboro also can be a good spot for taking photograph. If a person taking photo in Malioboro, people should have known that he has been in Yogyakarta. So, I will say that Malioboro is the summary of Yogayakarta.

Well, the writing assignment this time is talked about the comparing between Malioboro at about 1920 and at the present time. I still confused what I should write on, because I still was not in plan to born at 1920, even neither was my mother, so I have no idea how was Malioboro at 1920! However, I'll try my best for imagining.

Just like another old things perhaps, old Malioboro was in brown or grey pictures. Most people took a walk, rode bicycle, and few of them used car or motorcycle. The road was big enough for people to take a walk, no traffic jam happened. Pedicabs and horse-drawn carriages were the most famous public transportation that were used. Still so much trees stood, produced chilly-windy-atmosphere. Most people wore kebaya and had communication in Java language, made Malioboro became "really Java".

93 years passed, Malioboro grows up and changes. As can be seen at this time, there are a lot vehicles in Malioboro. Yogyakarta has been grown up, and has been modern. So much people come in here, and visit Malioboro. Malioboro becomes so crowded, and the road becomes too small to be through caused by vehicle and pedestrians are too much.

Time cannot stop running, something cannot stop changing. When something stop changing it means time stop running, and it means that thing is dead. The changing of Malioboro shows that it still alive from a time when my parents had been not in plan to be born yet, until now their children take step on Malioboro. However Malioboro still becomes the center of shopping, and still becomes the icon of Yogyakarta. 


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